No Time to Market Your Business?

There is a misnomer that occurs often in a small business. That is business owners often think they do not have time to market their business.

Actually, quite the opposite should be true.

There may be some business owners that feel that marketing is secondary to serving customers and making sales. But what happens when business slows down?

Customers move or pass away?

Maybe you find out too late about a new competitor that is affecting your business?

No Time to Market - Think Again

No Time to Market Your Business?

One of the easier forms of marketing is through referrals.

  • How many customers do you have that you can connect with for a referral? Do you have a system in place?

Another thing to think about is how many business owners do you connect with that could also send you business? 

Have you thought about that?

  • Do you interact with the businesses in your town?
  • What if your business was completely online?
  • How do you get your local customers? The one that lives next door or works across town?

What if you had someone you wanted to send a referral to?

  • Would you want them to know in hopes they would reciprocate at some point?

All of these questions are a way to stir you up inside and hopefully ask yourself if your business wouldn’t grow steadier and healthier customers through local referral programs.

MBX Network is exactly that type of program. Take a chance and visit one of our groups to see if it is right for you. We probably have some referrals for you too!